Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Preach, Taylor

Taylor Swift recently dropped her newest single, "Shake it Off," and I must say that I'm a fan.  Anytime someone breaks it down in a tutu, I  am transported back to the days where I was "that girl" in dance class.  The song "Shake it Off" speaks to me as well, especially as a solo business owner.  People are always going to hate. Take it from Taylor and shake those people off.

Without further delay, my life as a solo practitioner as told by T-Swift:

When I announced that I was going to open my own practice:

When older lawyers second guess my abilities because of my age:

Whenever I try to hook up new office technology:

Trying to build a client base:

Attempting to understand my phone system:

When client's don't pay on time:

The first time a check came in:

The fact that I can work from my home office whenever I want:

Thank you, Taylor Swift, for once again expressing my feelings to a T.  As in T-Swift.


  1. hahaha laughing so hard at this! I hate how much I love this new T Swift song!

    You go Caroline!!!!
