Saturday, March 19, 2011

BlueBook Exam Live Blogging

The BlueBook exam is the bane of 1L existance.  This 72-hour, 35 page exam acts as a placement onto law journals, and tests how well you can use legal citations.  It also is the 7th circle of hell.  Or hey, maybe its all the way to the 1st circle.  Maybe this is what hell is like.

Anyway, I have decided to blog this experience.  I can't guarantee how this will turn out, or what might come of this documentation.  Here goes nothing.

Friday, 11:30 a.m.: Recieve the exam.  The girl who gave it to me said, "Don't worry, you can finish!"  Resisted the urge to respond, "That's what she said."

1:45 p.m.: Go outside to sit on the porch and start this thing.  Wish me luck.  It's 35 pages.

5:00 p.m.: Finishing part I of question 1.  I need dinner. Calling Andy.

8:00 p.m.: Ate dinner. Fighting a food coma.  Starting work again.  Part II of question 1, here we go.

10:00 p.m.: My eyes are starting to cross.

10:30 p.m.: Taking a break to go to Mikes.  Mindless watching of the Chapelle Show to ensue.

12:00 a.m.: Leaving Mikes to go back to work...feeling depressed already.  Grabbed a sausage from the grill-- eating my feelings.

12:05: Got licked in the face by Mike's dog; my eye swelled shut on the drive home.  Allergic to animal saliva.  Now I look like Popeye.  Sent a picture to Christopher.  Took some Benadryl.  This should be interesting.

12:30: back to work.

1:00 a.m.: I can't deal with string cites anymore.  Skipping the rest of this question.  I'm moving on to the next form of question.

1:30 a.m.: This is moving quicker.  I am starting to be positive.  There might be a light at the end of the tunnel.

2:00 a.m.  Or not.

3:30 a.m.: Inanimate objects are starting to move when I look at them.  I think this means I need to go to bed.  Maybe I'll get up early to work on this.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. So much for getting up early.  I think I needed the sleep though.  Ready to attack this thing like a kitten attacking a ball of yarn.

1:00: Realize I have been in the same clothes for 24 hours.  Decide I need a shower/ to change clothes.  Use the new "de stress" sugar scrub from my sugar :)

3:00: Oh hey... Lunch.  About that.  Have soup, veggies, and an apple with some cheese slices.  Oh, and two big, fat, sugary cookies.  Shoutout to Chris's mom for sugar fuel!!

3:24: Ok.  Back to the grind.  I wonder how long it takes to go completely blind from staring at a computer screen?

3:26: Made myself an inspirational poster out of a legal pad and some highlighters.  It makes me not want to kill myself.

7:00: I need salad.  SOS.

7:30:  Went to Martins.  Got Salad, Sushi, and a bag of Organic Cheese Puffs.  Winning.

9:45: Cookie making commences.  Sugar high in 15.

10:30: Neighbors are fighting and banging on our floor/their roof.  F-you, fools, stop dealing drugs.

3:50: Cannot. See. Straight.  Finally passing out.

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