Monday, March 7, 2016

Practicing Mental Toughness

     One of the things I think I've struggled with is the idea of being "mentally tough."  While I am a strong person,  I am also emotional-- and many times, that is mistaken as weakness.  In a career like the law, weakness is blood in the water.  Not something you want to embrace.  For someone like me, who has only two speeds (1. SUPER happy or 2. crying, whether due to anger, sadness, frustration, or being too happy) I've had to learn to deal with my emotions in a professional manner.  In the past I have let the intensity of the situation get the best of me.  However, I've learned to control my emotions and harness them, directing them towards other things (instead of just crying-- I don't recommend that in a professional setting.  Ever.).

     I read this article today on, and it outlines many of the skills I've learned over the years to increase your "toughness."  While I couldn't articulate the ways I've learned to model Rocky in my emotional life, this author brilliantly puts them into words. I found myself nodding in my office-- alone, I might add-- and saying to myself, "yep, that's right!"  While I'm not a perfect master of emotions, I can honestly say these techniques have really helped me deal with difficult situations without letting them take over my life.  Take a read and let me know what you think.

Oh, but in case you were wondering: I will always cry at anything that has to do with old men or animals. Always and forever. And I have no shame about it.

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