The amazing blog
#Whatshouldwecallme is taking UR Law-- and the world-- by storm. As if we needed another way to procrastinate, it came from the heavens to provide entertainment and in-class giggle outbreaks (this is directed at you, Kati Kitts). Motivated by the amazing-ness of this blog, I've decided to make my own "Richmond Specific" version. Try not to laugh during class.
How I feel on a Monday Morning:

When someone volunteers to brief when no one has read the case

My girlfriends and I before Barrister's Ball:
How 2Ls feel when 1Ls complain about how busy they are:

Anytime Strong pounces on you in class:
When someone complains about the free lunch your student org provided at some meeting:
When Toby (literally) runs into me in the upstairs hallway loop:
When I'm spying on my friends at (insert any Richmond Hipster bar here):
When Dean Williams says, "Shame on us. SHAME on our profession," OR when he wears "the black long-sleeved polo:"
Like your law blog :)