- You no longer fear the Bluebook. In fact, you get sort of a sick pleasure out of figuring out legal citations.
- The word "internship" either makes you shudder in fear and anxiety OR makes you feel like a big-money boss.
- A professor (adjunct) tells you, "Great answer!" and you just stare at them, scared.
- You've run into at least one professor at a bar.
- You've had a full on serious and/or legal conversation with a professor while drunk.
- You've "adopted" a 1L as your own... kind of like a pet.
- You realize that if you come out of an exam feeling good, there is NO WAY you're getting an A.
- You [think you] are on first-name terms with professors.... when actually you just call them by their last name.
- Stalking LinkedIn is a full-time hobby.
- You realize that you MUST do something outside of law school.
- Your friends from college have stopped calling during the week and the months of Nov.--Dec and April--May.
- Art? Who needs art on the walls? You've decorated your room with flowcharts of Agency Relationships and the Rules of Evidence.\
- You get a pitter-patter in your heart over a good suit.
- This applies to you:
Have any more?? Leave them in the comments section and I'll add the best!
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